Gardening Devotionals: Beauty in the Growth

As I’ve become a gardener and I’m planting seeds, tending to the garden, and harvesting beautiful flowers; I’ve become aware of how it all points me to God. The creator of the whole Earth and all of the beauty that’s within it. I’ve taken notes of little lessons I’ve learned in the garden and how it points me to God. I thought I would start a new blog series and occasionally share a lesson I’ve learned as a gardener and what it’s shown me about Jesus. Please let me know in the comments if this is something you enjoy and would like to read more of.

 As I’m growing flowers the end result I’m looking for from a seed is flowers.

But I’ve come to realize something. As I plant the seed– I’m excited. When the seed pokes up though the soil and germinates– I'm excited. As the plant grows inch by inch– I’m excited. When the little seedling withstands being transplanted– I’m excited. As it hangs on and survives through storms and wind– I’m excited.

When I harvest the flowers that came from that tiny seed I’m excited and proud of what has come from that little seed– it's gone through a lot to reach the end destination. But that’s the very end result. All along through the slow growing process there are little wins and moments I’m so proud of. The little plant is doing exactly what it needs to be doing to grow, mature, and handle what's thrown at it each day.

That got me thinking– how much more excited is God about our growth as a believer and child of His? He's not waiting till our time on Earth is complete and we're in heaven to delight in us. He delights in us every single day.

The little steps we take along the way to trust Him, to pray and really listen to what He’s telling us, to believe He has good for us and a plan and purpose for our future. In all of these little moments of growth we can picture God looking down on us cheering and smiling when we choose to hold onto our faith in Him in the midst of circumstances that normally would have us overwhelmed with fear.

A verse I’ve needed to hear every day recently is Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” God has a plan for our lives, and His plan is GOOD. God is so pleased and proud when I remember this and live every day believing in this truth.

He’s not mad at our progress and our journey– He’s never expecting a full blown flower when He knows right now is the time for a seed to germinate and poke up from the ground. It’s not time yet for the harvest. God isn’t after perfection or performance from us, He wants our hearts and our trust in Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not learn on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

God loves us at every step along the way and is so pleased with us each and every day. Next time you step outside and see a flower blooming, remember that God was just as proud and full of love towards that flower when it was a tiny little seed as He is the day it comes into full bloom– and He feels the same towards you.


Glory Flower Farm Was On a Podcast!